Craigneil Wind Farm - Development Timeline

Craigneil Wind Farm - Development Timeline


Our Proposed Programme

Summer 2018

Original Craigneil Wind Farm application submission following consultation events in Stonehaven and Netherley.

September 2022

Planning permission granted for Craigneil Wind Farm for 11 turbines at 135m tip height, generating capacity at 35 MW.

May 2024

Introduce plans for the redesign of Craigneil Wind Farm - reduced from 11 turbines to seven turbines, 180m height to tip. Capacity increased from 35MW to 42 MW. 

Summer/Autumn 2024

Consultation with the local community on the development as we continue our studies and design of the Proposed Development.

Autumn 2024

Submit the planning application for the proposed development.

Early 2025

Expected decision by Aberdeenshire Council on the planning application for the Proposed Development.


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